This is a backup server running the last version of iTOL2. You can use it freely and upload new trees, but they will not be visible in current version of iTOL.

Welcome to iTOL!

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Recent changes

Version 3.0

  • Complete rewrite of the backend tree storage system
  • Additional tree can be displayed above the heatmap datasets
  • Support for display of custom scales in several dataset types
  • Various minor updates and bug fixes

Version 2.2.2

  • Collapsed clades can be exported with same size and font as regular leaves

Version 2.2.1

  • Colored strip and gradient datasets support values assigned to internal tree nodes. These values will only be displayed when assocated clades are collapsed.
  • Collapsed clades can be displayed with simplylified triangles, taking less space

Version 2.2

  • multiple binary datasets will be automatically spread to prevent overlap
  • If labels are present in a color strip dataset, a legend containing the labels will be added to exported trees

Version 2.1.1

  • branches can be marked with custom labels
  • Dataset legends are optional in exported trees

Version 2.1

  • New dataset type: circles
  • Several datasets (binary, bar chart, multi-value bar chart, protein domains) support display of values assigned with internal nodes of the tree. These values will only be displayed when assocated clades are collapsed.

Version 2.0.1

  • Pie chart position on each branch can be defined: example
Full version history

Interactive Tree Of Life is an online tool for the display and manipulation of phylogenetic trees. It provides most of the features available in other tree viewers, and offers a novel circular tree layout, which makes it easy to visualize mid-sized trees (up to several thousand leaves). Trees can be exported to several graphical formats, both bitmap and vector based. more...

There are several pre-computed trees available for display, including the main Tree Of Life, described in Ciccarelli, et al., 2006. In addition to the precomputed trees, you can upload and display your own trees and data, using the 'Data upload' page or through your personal user account.

Use the tabs on the top of the page to navigate or click the tree below to proceed to the interactive Tree of Life page. Extensive help pages, which provide detailed explanation of iTOL's interface and functions, are available. For further questions, comments or suggestions, please contact us.

If you find iTOL useful in your work, you can cite Letunic and Bork, 2006.

  • Version 2.1 introduces a new dataset type, circles. Recent additions also include the ability to assign dataset values with internal nodes. These will be displayed only when assocated clades are collapsed. Check the Help pages for details.
  • Second iTOL article was published in 2011 NAR Web server issue (abstract, full text PDF).

The Tree Of Life

Tree Of Life

Various iTOL generated tree images

Large tree in unrooted display mode

A 5000 leaf tree with several colored clades rendered in unrooted mode.

thumb thumb

Branch coloring based on bootstrap values

Tree branches can be automatically colored based on bootstrap values and with user defined color gradients.

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Multi value barchart with aligned fields

Individual fields in multi value barcharts can be automatically aligned, instead of simply stacked.

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Autoutomatically generated boxplot dataset

Boxplots can be automatically generated from user provided data, or specified through their five-number summaries.

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Protein domain architectures

iTOL can easily display protein domain architectures directly on the tree.

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Branch colors

A color strip dataset is used to define branch colors.

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Branch colors

A color strip dataset is used to define branch colors.

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Inverted TOL

A tree in inverted circular mode, with a stacked barchart. Green arrows correspond to horizontal gene trasfers.

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Protein kinases tree

Shown without branch-length information and using a pie chart dataset to annotate family abundance.

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Stacked barcharts

A tree with a stacked barchart dataset.

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Piecharts on internal nodes

A tree shown in normal mode, with a pie chart and stacked barchart datasets.

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Horizontal gene transfers

An example of HGTs annotation with iTOL.

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Colored leaf ranges

A tree with user-defined leaf color ranges and a simple color strip dataset.

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Piecharts on a circular tree

A tree in circular mode, with a pie chart and stacked barchart datasets.

thumb thumb

Inverted TOL

Tree Of Life in inverted circular mode, with a stacked barchart.

thumb thumb

Colored leaf ranges

Tree with leaf colored ranges defined.

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A tree with several HGTs and a simple barchart.

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TOL in 180° arc

Tree of life with a pie chart dataset. Several branches are collapsed.

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Gradients and color strips

An example of multiple gradients and color strip datasets shown simultaneously.

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