Version history
Version 3.0
- Complete rewrite of the backend tree storage system
- Additional tree can be displayed above the heatmap datasets
- Support for display of custom scales in several dataset types
- Various minor updates and bug fixes
Version 2.2.2
- Collapsed clades can be exported with same size and font as regular leaves
Version 2.2.1
- Colored strip and gradient datasets support values assigned to internal tree nodes. These values will only be displayed when assocated clades are collapsed.
- Collapsed clades can be displayed with simplylified triangles, taking less space
Version 2.2
- multiple binary datasets will be automatically spread to prevent overlap
- If labels are present in a color strip dataset, a legend containing the labels will be added to exported trees
Version 2.1.1
- branches can be marked with custom labels
- Dataset labels are optional in exported trees
Version 2.1
- New dataset type: circles
- Several datasets (binary, bar chart, multi-value bar chart, protein domains) support display of values associated with internal nodes of the tree. These values will only be displayed when assocated clades are collapsed.
Version 2.0.1
- Pie chart position on each branch can be defined: example
Version 2.0
- New dataset type: connections
Version 1.9
- custom information can be displayed in node popups; basic HTML and CSS are supported, with links and images
Version 1.8.3
- trees can be rerooted when exported through batch access
Version 1.8.2
- name based node filtering in the automatic NCBI tree generator
Version 1.8.1
- protein IDs/ACCs (Uniprot and NCBI) supported in the automatic NCBI tree generator
Version 1.8
- new tree display mode: unrooted
- branches can be automatically colored based on bootstrap values
Version 1.7.1
- text label colors can be defined
Version 1.7
- new dataset type: boxplot
- individual fileds in multi-value barchart datasets can be automatically aligned
- PhyloXML tree format supported for upload and export
- Automatic NCBI tree generator expanded with support for scientific names and subtrees
Version 1.6.1
- color ranges and clade colors can be defined during upload
- heatmap legends displayed
- option to prevent overlap of color strips and gradients with other datasets
Version 1.6
- Batch access through a simple API. Both tree upload and export are supported.
Version 1.5
- new dataset type: heatmaps
Version 1.4.1
- leaf labels can be aligned in both modes
- color ranges expandable to whole clades
- maximum bar and protein size increased to 5000 pixels
Version 1.4
Version 1.3.2
- protein domain datasets are now auto scaled; protein size is not limited
- 5 new domain shapes available
Version 1.3.1
- collapsed clades can be defined during upload
Version 1.3
Version 1.2.1
- auto remove branches with low bootstrap support
- optimal font size calculation during export
Version 1.2
- new dataset types: protein domain architectures and time-series
- search results dynamically highlighted in the tree
- major restructuring and code cleanup, resulting in significant speed improvements
Version 1.1.1
- improved interactive tree coloring tool, with branch coloring
- import and export of trees in NEXUS format
Version 1.1
- branch coloring through the 'color strips' dataset
- personal accounts
- keyboard navigation and mousewheel zooming
- improved tree search
- pie-charts can be displayed together with another dataset
- bug fixes
Version 1.03
- inverted circular display mode
- streamlined and simplified display page header
- font size and branch width can be changed during export
Version 1.02
- new dataset type: internal node pie-charts
- Leaf labels can be styled on the exported trees (bold, italic or bold-italic)
- auto-collapsing of clades based on average branch lenghts
- various small bug fixes
Version 1.01
- new dataset types: color gradients and colored strips
- labels for internal nodes can be uploaded
- branch lengths can be displayed directly on the tree
- various small bug fixes
Version 0.99
initial release