About iTOL
Software: | v3.0 |
Default tree: | Tree Of Life v1.0 (Ciccarelli FD, et al., Science.; 2006 Mar 3. 311(5765): 1283-7) |
Publications: |
Local installations and customization of iTOL
If you are interested in running a customized version of iTOL in your own organization or institution, please contact biobyte solutions (visit http://www.biobyte.de or email info@biobyte.de) for details. They provide the integration and customization of iTOL to fit your specific needs.
Recent changes and new features
- Complete rewrite of the backend tree storage system
- Additional tree can be displayed above the heatmap datasets
- Support for display of custom scales in several dataset types
- Collapsed clades can be exported with same size and font as regular leaves
- Colored strip and gradient datasets support values assigned to internal tree nodes. These values will only be displayed when assocated clades are collapsed.
- Collapsed clades can be displayed with simplylified triangles, taking less space
Known bugs and problems
iTOL requires Flash plugin version 7 or higher. For MS Windows users, we recommend version 8 or later. You can install or upgrade you Flash plugin by visting Adobe's Flash pages. Our prefered and most heavily tested browser is Firefox, which we recommend.
iTOL creates a very complex Flash object and can sometimes trigger bugs in the Flash player, causing a browser crash. Make sure you have the latest version of Flash installed to minimize such problems.
For unknown reasons, Flash player will sometimes (~1:50 chance) display the iTOL tree in low quality mode, even though it should be in high quality by default. It that happens, you can manually switch the mode by using the Flash player's right-click context menu.
Feedback and contact
We hope you find iTOL user-friendly and easy to use. However, we encourage everyone who:
- has problems using or understanding iTOL's functions
- cannot upload a custom tree or dataset
- finds a bug
- has an interesting tree for inclusion into iTOL's 'Other trees' page
to contact us. You can also use the following form to send quick feedback: