This is a backup server running the last version of iTOL2. You can use it freely and upload new trees, but they will not be visible in current version of iTOL.

Batch access to iTOL

Batch access to iTOL2 is no longer available, please use the current version. Check for details.

iTOL supports batch tree upload and export through a simple CGI interface. We are providing it for advanced users who want to upload or export their trees directly from other scripts/programs. The interface description and parameters are described below. We also provide sample perl scripts which can be used for uploading and exporting of trees from the command line.

Please be considerate to other users if you're using this method to access iTOL. Make sure to wait at least a few seconds between requests, particularly if exporting to PNG.

Batch upload

iTOL batch uploader is a standard CGI script, available at Use a standard POST request when submiting your data. Available parameters are described below.

Script will produce plain text output (Content-type text/plain), as follows:

  • An error occured during upload: first line will start with the keyword ERR, followed by a numeric error code and longer description
  • Upload was successful, without warnings: first line will start with the keyword SUCCESS:, followed by a space character and the iTOL tree ID
  • Upload was successful, warnings occured: warnings will be printed one per line, and the last line will start with the keyword SUCCESS:, followed by a space character and the iTOL tree ID

If your upload was successful, store the returned iTOL tree ID for further use.

Upload script parameters

These are the options (and supported values for some of them) which the uploader script recognizes.

General options


tree file; make sure your POST request is properly formed (Content type should be form-data or related, depending on your implementation), so that tree and dataset files are properly submitted.


tree format (newick, nexus or phyloxml)


tree name


longer description of the tree, used only if uploading into an iTOL account


Your upload ID, which is generated when you enable batch uploading in your account (in the 'Account settings').


Required if uploadID is specified. Project name is case sensitive, and should be unique in your account. We recommend creating a separate project for batch uploaded trees.


displays internal node IDs in popups when you mouseover them


defines font styles for leaf labels in exported trees


defines custom names for internal nodes in the tree


defines horizontal gene transfers


defines color ranges, leaf label and clade colors


defines which clades should be collapsed by default; useful for large trees


defines text labels for tree nodes


if your tree uses NCBI tax IDs, the names for leaves and internal nodes will be automatically assigned during upload


tree will be mipoint re-rooted during upload


instead of uploading a tree, iTOL can automatically generate one from a file containing a list of NCBI tax IDs. NCBI taxonomy will be pruned based on your IDs and a Newick tree generated.


format of the tree generated using NCBI tax IDs:


generated tree will contain scientific names and internal nodes will not be collapsed


scientific names will be used, and internal nodes with only one child removed


tree will contain NCBI taxonomy IDs and internal nodes will not be collapsed


NCBI taxonomy IDs will be used, and internal nodes with only one child removed

Dataset upload options

Up to 10 datasets can be uploaded, replace 'dataset1' as needed for others (ie. dataset2 for the second dataset and so on). Dataset file, label, separator and type are required, other parameters are optional.


file containing the dataset


label for the dataset, used in the legends


field separator used in the dataset file: 'space', 'tab' or 'comma'


dataset type


Binary data


Simple bar chart


Multi-value bar chart or Pie chart


Color gradient


Color strips


Time series


Protein domain architecture






used in the legends and for datasets where the color is not specified in the dataset file


used in 'gradient' and 'colorstrip'; strip will have the specified width in pixels (valid range: 10 - 100)


used in 'gradient' and 'colorstrip'; if set to 1, all other dataset types will start after the end of the last strip dataset


used in 'multibar'; if set to 1, each individual field's start value will be aligned


used in 'multibar'; if transprent, you will be able to see overlapping pie charts, but the colors will be slightly changed


used in 'multibar'; pie chart radii will be scaled to match the selected values (valid range 10-500)


used in 'multibar'; pie chart radii will be scaled to match the selected values (valid range 10-500)


used in 'multibar', 'simplebar' and 'time'; maximum value in the dataset will have this pixel size (valid range 1-5000)


used in 'domains'; longest protein in the dataset will have this pixel size (valid range 1-5000)


used in 'boxplot'; largest value in the dataset will be at this pixel (valid range 1-5000)


used in 'boxplot'; if you provide the raw data, iTOL will automatically calculate the values needed to display the boxplots


used in 'boxplot'; values above the set percentile will be included in the box (valid range 0-99)


used in 'boxplot'; values below the set percentile will be included in the box (valid range 1-100)


used in 'boxplot'; this constant multiplied with the box size will define the related whisker size (valid value >0)


used in 'boxplot'; if set to 0, only the boxes and whiskers will be calculated


used in 'colorstrip'; specifies the effect of the dataset on branch coloring:


no coloring, show only leaf boxes (Default)


color branches only, don't display boxes


color branches and show boxes


optionally used with 'heatmap' datasets; You can upload an additional Newick formated tree file, which will be used to sort the dataset labels, and the tree will be displayed above the dataset (when in normal display mode).


used in 'heatmap'; pixel width of an individual value's box in the heatmap. Total width for the dataset cannot exceed 5000 px.


used in 'heatmap'; minimum value


used in 'heatmap'; mid-point value


used in 'heatmap'; maximum value


used in 'heatmap'; color of the minimum value


used in 'heatmap'; color of the mid-point value


used in 'heatmap'; color of the maximum value


used in 'circles'; Maximum radius will depend on the available space between leaves, and minimum radius will be calculated based on the percentage specified here (valid range 0-100)


used in 'circles'; Display horizontal grid connecting the circles


used in 'circles'; Display vertical grid connecting the circles


used in 'circles'; horizontal spacing between circles (in pixels, valid range 0-500)


used in 'circles'; Should the circles be filled or empty? Filled circles will be fully opaque by default, unless 'dataset1CirclesTransparent' is defined.


used in 'circles'; filled circles will be transparent; ignored if 'dataset1CirclesFill' is not defined

Enabling batch upload to your personal account

If you want to batch upload trees into your iTOL account, you must first enable the batch access and generate a unique upload ID.

Click on 'Account settings' in the upper right corner of your account page and select 'Enable/disable batch upload'. Here you can enable and disable the batch access, or generate new upload IDs. The upload ID shown here must be supplied to the batch uploader via uploadID option.

Please note that you must also specify the project name (via projectName option) which will receive the uploaded tree.

Example uploader scripts

Perl is an example uploader script, written in Perl. It is freely available for download. It is fully functional, and supports all the upload options specified above. Feel free to modify it to your needs or use it as provided. It requires the following modules (which are most likely included in your standard perl distribution):

Use your nearest CPAN mirror if you're missing any of them.

After you have all the modules installed, run

perl --help

to see the available command line options. All options can also be specified in a configuration file (see the help for --config option). You can see an example upload config file here.


Albert Wang kindly provided a Python implementation of the scripts. You can download the code from GitHub. Please contact Mr. Wang directly with any questions.

Batch export

iTOL batch downloader is a standard CGI script, available at Use a standard POST or GET request when submiting your download parameters. Available parameters are described below.

The script will generate output as follows:

  • An error occured during export: Output will in Content-type: text/html, and the error will be described in detail.
  • Export was succesfull: Output will be in the Content-type matching your selected format (text/plain for newick and nexus, image/svg+xml for SVG, image/png for PNG, application/postscript for PS and EPS and application/pdf for PDF). Make sure your downloader handles the incoming binary data properly.

Export script parameters

These are the options (and supported values for some of them) which the downloader script recognizes.


iTOL tree ID which will be exported


export format


Portable Network Graphics; bitmap format


Scalable Vector Graphics; vector format


Encapsulated Postscript; vector format


Postscript; vector format


Portable Document Format; vector format


Nexus tree file; plain text


Newick tree file; plain text


Reroot the tree on the specified node. If your tree does not have internal node IDs, you can use two leaf IDs separated with a vertical line. Last common ancestor of these nodes will be used as the new root (for example --reRoot 'Homo_sapiens|Gallus_gallus')

Options for graphical formats


tree display mode; normal or circular


should the leaf labels be aligned? (0 or 1)


if set to 1, dataset and other legends will not be displayed


branch lengths will be ignored if set to 1


branch lenght values will be displayed on the tree. Overrides --showBS if both are specified


bootstraps will be displayed on the tree


specify which bootstrap will be displayed. You must specify the numeric value and choose the direction using the letters 'M' (for more than) or 'L' (for less than). For example:

  display bootstraps above 60: BSdisplayValue=M60  
  display bootstraps below 0.3: BSdisplayValue=L0.3

'text' or 'symbol'


if 'symbol' is used to display bootstraps, use this option to specify the maximum circle size (in pixels)


if the tree has colored ranges defined, you can omit them from the exported tree by setting this to 1


'clades' or 'leaves'

if the tree has colored ranges defined, specify their extent using this option


if the tree has colored branches, use this option to use the colors in the exported tree


for circular display mode, specify the rotation angle in degrees


for circular display mode, specify the arc in which the tree should be displayed (in degrees, default is 350)


if set to 1, the circular tree will be inverted


image resolution in DPI (dots per inch), used only when exporting to PNG


do not display leaf labels


font size to be used for leaf labels


line width in pixels (default is 3)


if the tree has collapsed clades, their labels will be the same size as regular leaves


the default horizontal tree scale will be multiplied with the specified value


internal node IDs will be displayed if this option is set to 1


comma separated list of leaf IDs which should be included in the tree. If not specified, complete tree will be exported.


comma separated list of internal node IDs which will be collapsed. If the tree does not have internal nodes defined, you can specify them using two leafs IDs instead. Separate leaf IDs with a vertical line ('|'). The last common ancestor of each pair will be collapsed. For example:


comma separated list of dataset IDs to include in the exported tree. For example:


used only when datasets are included in the exported tree. When set, dataset values will not be connected to tree's leaves using dashed lines.

Options for plain text formats


output options for Newick format


Include internal node IDs in the tree. Example output: ((A:0.1, B:0.1)INTid1:0.2[95]);


Only bootstraps and branch lengths will be included. Example output: ((A:0.1, B:0.1)95:0.2);

Example downloader scripts

Perl is an example downloader script, written in Perl. It is freely available for download. It is fully functional, and supports all the export options specified above. Feel free to modify it to your needs or use it as provided. It requires the following modules (which are most likely included in your standard perl distribution):

Use your nearest CPAN mirror if you're missing any of them.

After you have all the modules installed, run

perl --help

to see the available command line options. All options can also be specified in a configuration file (see the help for --config option). You can see an example upload config file here.


Albert Wang kindly provided a Python implementation of the scripts. You can download the code from GitHub. Please contact Mr. Wang directly with any questions.